PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) facial therapy is a procedure of skin rejuvenating and hair growth by injecting plasma, taken from blood of a patient, rich in platelet.
PRP facial therapy is a new method of facial skin rejuvenation based on using plasma of a patient and injecting it in the problematic areas. It activates the cells functioning, causing the process of rejuvenating.
In which cases PRP is helpful?
– aging skin changes (wrinkles, elasticity decrease);
– driness and skin peeling;
– pigmenation, sking tiredness;
– acne ( inflammation of the sebaceous glands)
– rehabilitation afte chemical and laser peeling.
In which cases PRP cannot be used?
– internal organs diseases;
– blood diseases;
– hepatitis;
– pregnancy and lactation;
– epilepsy and psychological illnesses.
PRP hait therapy
PRP Plasmotherapy is one of the most effective methods of aesthetic medicine for hair loss prevention and slowdown, improvment of hair growth and structure intensity.
In which cases PRP hair therapy is applicable?
– for healing androgenic alopecia and female type of androgenic alopecia;
– healing hair loss of different etiology;
– to intensify the effect of hair transplantation;
– healing alopecia areata;
– hair loss prevention.
In which cases PRP hair therapy cannot be used?
– internal organs diseases;
– blood diseases;
– hepatitis;
– pregnancy and lactation;
– epilepsy and psychological illnesses.