Cavitation is a method if cellulite curing and excessive fat riddance by influencing fat tissues with low-frequency ultra-sound. According to specialists, it has the same results as the surgical liposuction.
The procedure conists of the following steps: under the influence of the low-frequency ultra-sound fat cells produce bubbles, they grow, dilute fat and extrude it from the cells damaging the membranes of the fat cells.
Fat loss with the ultrasound does not leave any bruises and the result can stay up to many years.
In which cases is cavitation used?
– cellulite;
– excess fat;
– lipoma removal.
In which cases is cavitation dangerous?
– pregnancy;
– damaged blood coagulability;
– hepatitis;
– renal insufficiency;
– diabetes type-2;
– osteoporosis;
The procedure is painless and does not require anesthesia.